Friday, March 27, 2009

ACE for Flex 3 with AIR Exam Cleared

After a week of intensive reading after working hours, finally I got it through today with 92%. The preparation process was tough for me as the scope seems to be very wide. I studied mainly using the official materials from Adobe, which include:

Adobe Flex 3 Developer Guide
Developing Adobe AIR Applications With Adobe Flex 3
BLAZEDS Developer Guide

I didn't study for ActionScript programming as I am coding it in my daily job. ;-)

Looking forward to have a great weekend, Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Seng..... great job..
    I am a JEE expert ( a sun certified java programmer, web component and bussiness component developer ). I clearly lack client side scripting certifications in my profile and i believe its the time for becoming an ACE in Flex 3.... I have relatively zero action script programming experience! is the book "Adobe Flex 3 Developer Guide" enough for getting an understanding of action script ( and answer questions in the certification exam )
